The BANKSETA has identified the need to provide funding for post matric learners through a youth development intervention aimed at recruiting unemployed matriculants in order for them to further their studies and to expose them to the world of work.
LETSEMA Post Matric Learnership 2021
- The duration of the learnership is 1 year. Registered employers will host the learner(s) and making provision for training, workplace coaching and leaner support. Training is linked to a registered skills programme. Successful completion of the Learnership programme results in the achievement of an NQF5 in banking service advice qualification.
>>View advert for LETSEMA Post Matric Learnership 2021
KUYASA Post Matric Learnership 2021
- The duration of the learnership is 1 year. Registered employers will host the learner(s) and make provision for training, workplace coaching and leaner support. Training is linked to a registered skills programme. Successful completion of the Learnership programme results in a registered qualification.
The Kuyasa Post-graduate Learnership has three qualification streams:
- Management Development Learnership – the qualifying learner will graduate with a NQF Level 5 Certificate in Management Development.
- Business Analyst Learnership – the qualifying learner will graduate with a NQF Level 6 National Certificate in Business Analysis
- Financial Markets Learnership– the qualifying learner will graduate with a NQF Level 6 National Certificate in Financial Markets
>>Click here for Kuyasa Generic Management Application forms.
>>Click here for Kuyasa Business Analyst Application forms.
>>Kuyasa Generic Management Learnership Requirements Advert 2021
>>Kuyasa Business Analyst Learnership Requirements Advert 2021
Closing date
- 15 April 2021